Sleep Train Your Way

My wife and I started medical school together when our firstborn was just 3 months old, and we quickly realized that sleepless nights with a newborn made it impossible to function at our best. After four months of exhausting, sleepless nights and one month of struggling to keep up with medical school, we discovered the life-changing power of sleep training. It transformed our lives, helping us regain our energy, focus, and conquer our medical training. We have sleep trained our 3 beautiful children all within 4 months of being born. Now, we're passionate about sharing the benefits of sleep training with other parents who are facing similar challenges.

Do you want your baby to sleep like this?
Keep your sanity at bay, sleep train today!
No more sleepless nights waking up every two hours. No more fighting with your spouse about who should wake up for the baby this time! There's no need to wait until you are going bat crazy to start sleep training. Start with us now and your satisfaction is GUARANTEED!
Is there really a money back gaurantee?
Yes. We have confidence in our amazing success rate. If you are not satisfied, we will provide a full refund!
What is the ideal age for sleep training?
4 months is generally considered the ideal age to start sleep training your baby. We are happy to help sleep train babies from 3 months until they can climb out of a crib. If you don't fit in to this category but are still interested, feel free to reach out to us to discuss other options.
What if my baby can't be sleep trained?
We believe that >90% of babies can be sleep trained. We will do our best to provide you the resources to sleep train your baby. If it doesn't work out, we will provide you a full refund.
We are now offering an initial coaching call FREE of charge!!!
Message NOW and we will book your first coaching call tailored to your needs (201)-321-8619.
What we do:
A) An introduction call to learn more about you and your baby's needs, provide more information about the sleep training process, and schedule the sleep training.
B) "In Person" package only: 2 home visits with a trained professional coming to your home and guiding you in the process of sleep training your baby. This package is intended for customers within a 2 hour drive from Bronx, NY (including all of NYC and the eastern part of NJ). For any questions regarding eligibility, reach out to us before purchase at yonatanschwartz@yahoo.com or 201-321-8619.
C) 3 zoom calls for continued guidance in the process of sleep training your baby. Scheduled at your convenience.
We want to keep the transition to sleep training smooth and comfortable. We will continue working with you to help you succeed. If you are not happy with our program, we WANT to give you a refund!
Dr Sleep Training
Foolproof One Week To A Nights Sleep - In-Person - Money Back Guarantee

Dr Sleep Training
Foolproof One Week To A Night's Sleep - Virtual Coaching - Free for Now!!!!