When Is My Baby Ready?

For all of you sleep training fanatics out there, I can understand why you would want to sleep train as soon as possible. But newborns just aren't able to soothe themselves, and also need to eat literally all the time, so sleep training right away just won't work.

"So when can I start?"

"Experts" recommend waiting until 4 months. If you ask your pediatrician, most would only recommend considering sleep training between 4-6 months. But all babies are different so there's no one time fits all.

I have 3 children and I sleep trained each child at a different time. My first was sleep trained at 4 months. My second, sleep trained at 3 months. My third sleep trained at 10 weeks. To hear more about this go to about us.

I have 2 general recommendations for how to know when your LO is ready:

1) Did my LO ever sleep through the night by accident? If your baby ever magically gave you a full nights rest, without sleep training then they are probably at the age where they are capable of being trained to sleep through the night.

2) If you are brave enough to try for a short period of time. WIth my 3rd child I assumed I would wait to sleep train at 3-4 months. But then life happened and we decided to try a very gentle method at 10 weeks. Lucky for us it worked! He usually falls asleep with around 5 minutes of crying and sleeps 10-12 hours a night.

If you are not confident in these 2 recommendations, it is reasonable to wait and start sleep training at 4 months.

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